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Library Preliminary Minutes 06/01/2016
Present; Bruce Dodge, Mary Ann Grant, Jami Bascom, Neal Brown, Ray Cilley and Julie Steenson, Library Director.
Guest: Jon Dash, Crotched Mountain Foundation Residential Services.
6:30 PM – The meeting was called to order at this time by chairman Dodge.
6:30 PM – Guest Jon Dash and the Trustees with Library Director:
  • There was a brief review of the purpose of the meeting with Mr. Dash and a report of how it has been going with residents of Crotched Mountain when they are at the Library.
  • There was a discussion about a situation that did occur at the Library in which the Director felt that the staff was not as attentive to the student as they should have been. Jon offered up some procedures to follow, e.g. numbers to call at CMRC to get immediate assistance or to express concern.
  • Jon reported that the Library Code of Conduct is now taught in new hire orientation as a model for how to support the students in the community.
  • There was a brief discussion about the new CEO, Michael Coughlin.
  • The Trustees, Library Director and Mr. Dash will schedule a time to meet in the fall, and sooner if the need arises.
  • 6:46 PM – Review if the preliminary minutes for May 4, 2016:
  • There were a few grammatical errors and one content error. On line 9, add an s to concern. On line 33, add a comma to 18794.00, on line 37 delete parenthesis and add 94 after % and on line 64 capitalize Mind. On line 74, delete “are now the same” and add “are the same as they have been since 2014.”
  • The motion to accept the minutes as amended was made by Bruce and seconded by Jamie. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to accept the amended minutes. ACTION: Past will amend the minutes and have them posted on the Town website.
6:55 PM – Treasurer’s report:
Mary Ann provided the Trustees and the Director with the year to date budget report from the Town and current balances in the Merrill Fund and the Library checking account. The Merrill Fund balance remains the same.
There was a brief discussion about the breadth and cost of background checks for volunteers and employees of the Library.
The motion was made by Neal to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented, and the motion was seconded by Jami. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to accept the report.
7:05 PM – Foundation repair update:
  • Ray has worked out a contract with Underwood Engineering and brought it to the Trustees for their approval. He noted that the current bid includes a $2,500. 00 increase from the original amount of the bid, and that is to include more drawings and sealant on the foundation to be done by Underwood.
  • Ray recommended that the trustees do not have to use Ben Tirey in addition to Underwood Engineering; he thinks it would be redundant.
  • The tentative timeline for the job is for the test pits to be dug in July 2016 and for Underwood to complete their part for the development of a clear contractor bid outline in the fall.
  • Bruce reported that at the last Select Board meeting, the Department of Public Works agreed to dig the test pits.
  • The motion was made by Jami that Bruce sign the contract with Underwood Engineering as amended, and the motion was seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to sign the contract with Underwood Engineering.
  • Bruce corrected the typographical error and signed the contract.
The Trustees thanked ray for his hard work with Underwood and the contract negotiations.
7:20 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to go into a nonpublic session at this time, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (a). The motion was seconded by Neal, and the roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to enter into a nonpublic session.
7:33 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to exit out of nonpublic session at this time and it was seconded by Jami. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to exit out of nonpublic session at this time.
7:34 PM - A decision was made.
7:34 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to seal the minutes of the nonpublic session, and it was seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to seal the minutes.
7:35 PM – Librarian’s report:
  • Julie provided the Trustees with her monthly report and year to date statistics for library usage. Julie noted that circulation has increased since May 2015, especially e-books. Program attendance has doubled since May 2015. Patron visits were down in May 2016 from the previous months and Julie thinks it is because of the nice weather.
  • Julie reports that there is a busy relationship with Greenfield Elementary school. She also reported that “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” will begin this summer for the pre-kindergarten summer readers.
8:04 PM – The motion was made by Neal at this time to enter into a nonpublic session, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(a). The motion was seconded by Jami. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to enter into a nonpublic session at this time.
8:15 PM – The motion to exit out of nonpublic session at this time was made by Bruce and seconded by Neal. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to exit out of nonpublic and enter back into public session.
A decision was made.
8:15 PM – The motion was made by Jami to seal the minutes of the nonpublic session, and it was seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to seal the minutes.
8:16 PM - Action items from May meeting:
  • Bruce reported that all action items were completed.
  • Jami reported that the Trustees need a new filing cabinet because the current one does not lock. ACTION: Mary Ann will look for a two drawer file cabinet for the Trustees this week and will pay for it out of the Library checking account, not the Library budget.
  • 8:21 PM -Review of how to amend and approve sealed minutes:
Jami opened up a discussion about how sealed nonpublic minutes should be approved by the Trustees. Sealed nonpublic minutes have been given to the Trustees at the monthly meeting following the nonpublic session as a hard copy to be reviewed and accepted or amended. They should not be sent electronically. The decision was made to review sealed nonpublic minutes at the August meeting, since Jami will not be at the July meeting.
8:37 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to enter into a nonpublic session at this time, pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II (d). The motion was seconded by Jami. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to enter into a nonpublic session.
8:48 PM – The motion was made by Neal to exit out of nonpublic session and enter back into public session at this time. The motion was seconded by Bruce. The roll call vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to exit out of nonpublic and enter into public session.
A decision was made.
8:48 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to seal the minutes of the nonpublic session, and it was seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to seal the minutes.
8:49 PM – New/other business:
  • The next strategic planning meeting will be held on Saturday, June 4 at the Historical Society.
  • The Policy committee meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, June 8 at 6:30 PM at the Library.
  • The trustees reported on the workshops they attended at the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association annual conference in May.
  • Ray asked for information on and history of the Friends of the Library. The Trustees provided him with the past and current status of the Friends.
9:09 PM – The motion was made by Bruce to adjourn the meeting at this time. The motion was seconded by Neal. The vote was 3-0 in the affirmative to adjourn the meeting.
The next meeting of the Trustees will be on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 6:30 PM in the Wensberg room of the Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia LaPree